Saturday, February 13, 2010

Long Time

It has been quite a while since the last post so I figured it was about time to do a little update. Sophie has always been such a busy body, but now that she can crawl all over the place she likes to make things interesting for us! She has always been really fun to have around but now that she is cruising around and makin all sorts of noise Bobbie and I have been having a blast with the little munchkin! (More so for me because I can sleep through most things) She also has earned her two front teeth, poor kids go through quite a bit of pain to get those teeth in. We are all grateful for a little tylenol. A while back we had some pictures taken of the family but I like Sophie's pictures the most. For those who haven't had the pleasure of seeing what a cutie she is here are some pictures.

Freakin' Adorable! (In my totally unbiased opinion)


Andy and Bri said...

Very cute pics, Bear! We agree--she certainly is adorable! Thanks for the new post!

Mique said...

Well isn't it about time?! :) She really is darling though. I love your darling little family!

Brooke Hargett said...

Great pictures!!! She is such a DOLL!! I love her!

Jenna said...

Yay an update! And a good one too- love the pics, the are so cute

The Hardy Things in Life said...

Hey stu here! Wow! 100% BELLE. T'ES CHANCEUR GRAND CHIEN.